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Transaction Policies

Icon LinkTransaction Policies

Transaction policies are rules that can govern how a transaction is processed, introduced by the transaction parameters that you pass to a transaction request. The available policies are as follows:

  1. Gas Price - Maximum gas price for transaction.
  2. Witness Limit - The maximum amount of witness data allowed for the transaction.
  3. Maturity - Block until which the transaction cannot be included.
  4. Max Fee - The maximum fee payable by this transaction.

Icon LinkSetting Transaction Policies

The below snippet will show which transaction parameters set which policy:

// #import { ScriptTransactionRequest };
const transactionRequest = new ScriptTransactionRequest({
  tip: bn(10), // Sets the tip policy
  witnessLimit: bn(1), // Sets the witness limit policy
  maturity: 1, // Sets the maturity policy
  maxFee: bn(1), // Sets the max fee policy

Icon LinkRetrieving Transaction Policies from a Transaction

Policies used for a transaction can be retrieved from a transaction using a TransactionResponse. The below snippet will show how to retrieve the policies from a transaction:

// #import { ScriptTransactionRequest, TransactionResponse, Policy };
// Instantiate the transaction request with transaction parameters that would
// set the respective policies.
const transactionRequest = new ScriptTransactionRequest({
  script: scriptBytecode,
  gasLimit: bn(2000),
  maturity: 2,
  tip: bn(3),
  witnessLimit: 900,
  maxFee: bn(60_000),
// Set the script main function arguments
transactionRequest.setData(scriptAbi, scriptMainFunctionArguments);
// Fund the transaction
// Submit the transaction and retrieve the transaction response
const tx: TransactionResponse = await wallet.sendTransaction(transactionRequest);
const response = await tx.waitForResult();
// is undefined if the transaction had no policies applied.
const policies: Policy[] | undefined = response.transaction.policies;